Do you feel like one of the biggest things holding you back in your charting is your lack of templates.

The saying that just make you think, templates again, hmm.

I want you to check out my free template generator.

It’s a Google sheet that you get to download, and play around with and find templates that work for you faster. There’ll be updates coming, but I wanted to get this out there and share this with you.

You can get your copy today for free by going to

The link will also be in the show notes. Welcome to the med Ed well podcast, where physicians get empowered to take the next step in their wellness, personally, professionally, and financially. I’m your host, Dr. Ryan Stegink, a practicing general pediatrician and online entrepreneur.

Hello, and welcome to another episode of the MedEdWell Podcast. I’m so excited that you’re here. And just engaging with these topics. And really taking that next step in your wellness.
This week, is a week here in America for Thanksgiving, or giving things it can be a time of reflection on what’s been a blessing to you.
For me personally, and just to have a moment to see where am I? And where do I want to go. So it’s really been helpful for me to take some of these moments to reflect.

I’ve definitely grown a lot in the last year, I’ve had a number of life transitions moving, having another child, and it’s really made me thankful for some of those things.
One of the opportunities that I have coming up this next week is to give a lecture to some residents about wellness.

And I’m just so blown away as I think back from when maybe two years ago, I would have said no, that’s not for me. I don’t want to do that. I’m too nervous. I’m an introvert. As opposed to saying, Yeah, I really want to do this, I want to be able to help encourage next generation of physicians coming out that it’s okay to be who you are to not be okay to say I am really hurting and struggling right now.
And so my talk for the residents is going to be entitled How to pursue wellness in residency and beyond. And they’ll cover three different areas looking at financial, professional and personal wellness.

But today, I wanted to focus on the financial aspect, with five financial foundations that you can take and apply as you look at building your wellness.

So first is budgeting.

I know this may not be everyone’s favorite thing. But it’s important to know where you’re at. To know just like on rounds, you’d say what are my eyes and nose intake and out outputs for the patient? What are the fluids in fluids out? It’s the same thing with cash flow. And it just involves setting an intention, making a spending plan and ultimately figuring out where you can potentially create some margin.

When you’re looking at budgeting and priorities, one of the first things you’re going to want to do is to pay down high interest rate debt first has to be credit card debt and not necessarily student loans. We’ll get to more of that in a minute.

And knowing your different obligations, whether they’re fixed or discretionary. The mortgage isn’t going to change unless we refinance, which since the rates have gone up. We’re not going to do that at this point.

So it could be fixed things could be things that might be more discretionary and saying alright, groceries to a certain extent are fixed but there is some wiggle room. And there are ways to save money where you shop, certain sales discounts

could be eating out or entertainment. It’s all going to look a little bit different depending

In your season of life, what your total budget is, and what you want to prioritize.

It’s also important to think about what kind of reserves you have. Whether you have an emergency fund, or maybe the period, some people describe them as sinking funds, or the I will need this Sunday funds, whether it’s things for home maintenance, or vehicle vehicle maintenance, some of those type of things.

Budgeting, you can keep it simple or make it more complex, you can just do it on paper and pencil, not what I would do. But you could also do it on a spreadsheet or some sort of electronic thing. There’s various resources, whether mint or Quicken or YNAB, you need a budget, which essentially gives each dollar a job and says, you’re going here, you’re going there. And because it’s earmarked say for the

renter’s insurance, or the homeowners insurance, just because it’s not used this month, it builds up in such a way that it’s able to be used, and it’s there when you need it.

So you may get a discount by paying some of these bills annually.

With budgeting, you can definitely update it month to month. And if you have a partner, it’s good to talk regularly, regardless of whether you have shared or separate finances. My wife and I have done this in the past. And with some of the chaos of moving and having too little ones. We’ve gotten a little bit off schedule. And we’re working to get back on for this next month when we have our date night.

So whatever you choose with budgeting, whatever you say, this is a priority. For me, for us, for my family. It’s like quality improvement, you set an intention. You see how it goes. And then you reflect and see, what do I want to change.

But again, it’s that intention. But if you don’t check it, it’s a little bit easy to get off course. So just just start from where you are. Don’t let your past mistakes or decisions that you made, hold you back. And don’t let those thoughts that come in the things that happened in the past. Those are just circumstances. And it’s how we think about those now, that will allow us to be able to move forward in a way that really helps us achieve those goals.

So first, we have budgeting. Second thing is student loans. Then we say fixed expenses, things in the budget. So with the federal loan pause ending, probably at the end of 2022. There’s some ongoing legal battles over some of the forgiveness plans are proposed by President Biden. So we’ll see if the federal loans restart, we’re still waiting for some of the

kind of notice to go out. So we’ll see how that goes. But since the pause has been going on for over two years now, that’s going to need to be reintroduced to the budget, for me and for others.

So thinking about federal student loans, many of us, myself included are on track to go for public service loan forgiveness. For those of you who are still figuring out, what’s the deal with that. It involves making 120 non consecutive payments while working for a qualifying employer and while on a qualifying repayment plan. And it also requires that you’re still employed with that qualifying employer at the time of forgiveness. So just because you hit that 100 and 20th payment, you still have to put in that application and wait. Currently, it’s been about four to six months and when I’m hearing from other physicians, and others going through this process before that forgiveness is finally granted.

So qualifying loans for Public Service Loan Forgiveness include direct loans, and there’s been some waivers, some of which have just recently expired for FSBL or fel loans, and some that were dispersed earlier than 2009. So waivers may not be needed as much by some of the recent trainees, since many of the loans and loan types already qualify. But it’s important to look at your situation. And this is more of a general overview rather than specific advice for your situation. There’s various companies that are helping physicians and others look at their particular situation. Some of these may include students

loan Student Loan planner, they have blogs student loan planner has a podcast as well. And those can be great resources for finding out whether a particular course of action makes sense for you and for your family. Because it’s all about running the numbers about what’s your current income, what do you expect to be forgiven? Do you have a partner, a spouse, other household income that can affect both your expected repayment, your household size, and we’ll get into some of those things in just a moment.

So, the key to this is that you need both qualifying loans and a qualifying payment plan. So some of the payment plans that are income based include taking a percentage of your adjusted gross income, minus 150% of the federal poverty line for your household size. So the income based repayment or IVR was 15%. Of that difference, and may included some of the older plans those who didn’t previously qualify. And for this plan, you do need to have a partial financial hardship, which means that your

payment for the 10 year plan, if you were just doing standard repayment would be higher than

the income based plan. And so basically, it’s saying you would qualify based on not making a certain amount of money in this situation.

So another plan is Pay As You Earn paye pa ye II. And so it’s 10% of that difference. key here is that married filing separately, spouses on their taxes can exclude spouse income. And again, you do need that fight partial financial hardship, this can definitely really decrease the loan payment. But it also means that you are in different tax brackets, as far as where at least how much of your income is in a particular tax bracket, because you’re doing married filing separately. So again, part of running your numbers and maybe getting one of those consults.

A newer plan, it’s called revised Pay As You Earn or repay. That’s also 10% of that difference between adjusted gross income and the federal poverty line. It

importantly, and attractively to many involves

partial interest subsidy. And so essentially, the government will pay part of that interest, especially while you’re in training. The spouse spousal income, however, is always included regardless, regardless of tax filing status.

Something else to think about when you are doing your calculations for how much your payments will be and when to recalculate. So your family size does increase for dependents. And they also include

during pregnancy, so you can increase based on on that as well.

When looking at qualifying employers for public service, loan forgiveness, it’s about the EIN the employer identification number, I can leave a link to the employer search in the show notes. And it’s just about seeing is this nonprofit or a 501? C three. And there have been some previously that have been excluded, because situations like Kaiser Permanente in California where physicians are employed by the for profit group, but work at the nonprofit hospital. And previously, they didn’t qualify. But there’s some talk on whether government guidance may change to make some of these institutions. There’s some of these physicians working at these institutions to say that employment qualifies.

Another big thing is for physicians to know that they are full time. And so that can be whatever they define, or at least 30 hours per week. So just depends on what your employer says it is. And it’s important to ask for that when you’re doing interviews.

It’s also important to note that the employment certification form can can and should be submitted annually. And this can be signed either by someone in human resources or even another clinical supervisor. So some people have been having issues tracking down HR or

or getting

someone to

actually sign that for them. But this can be

as long as they’re someone in authority at your institution could be somebody else. At least that’s what I’ve been hearing. And

that’s mainly about saying this is who I worked for, and that you’re certifying appropriately.

It’s important to realize that public service loan forgiveness also has different requirements than something like National Health Service Corps. So other forgiveness programs might have slightly different requirements. So for PSLF, you need a minimum of 30 hours, which can include academic or other purchase time, say, for teaching or for Informatics, or otherwise, National Health Service Corps, on the other hand, requires a minimum of 32 patient facing hours. And so that might be eight sessions a week, when full time for you might otherwise or 1.0 might be nine sessions.

So seems pretty close. But it really can make the difference between whether you can work six or seven sessions and have some additional purchase time or be eight sessions.

So another big thing to look at with your loans is consolidation versus refinancing. So consolidation allows for putting all of your loans together in one, but still keeping them as federal loans. This can allow you to skip the grace period at the beginning of residency, and begin payments right away, rather than going through six months of grace. And you might say, why would you want to do that.

But really, if you are otherwise not earning an income, and there’s no one in your household, that is, you can file your taxes as a fourth year med student, and will have a negative adjusted gross income because you’re paying tuition. And so that negative adjusted gross income will then equal $0 initial payments, at least for those first six months, maybe a little bit longer depending on when you have to recertify your income.

And so that can really add up. When you think about okay, those extra six months of payments as an attending would be a lot different.

Consolidation can also help with the waiver for loans that previously didn’t qualify. We’ll see how that shakes out with some of the new guidance since some of the loans needed to be consolidated and applied for this special waiver prior to October 31 2022. Another thing to consider with consolidation is that it averages and rounds up the interest rate to the nearest eighth of a point.

consulted consolidation in general, though, is different from refinancing to refinancing is taking your loans and making them private. This is irreversible, and then does take you out of eligibility for public service loan forgiveness. So really, this is only for those who won’t qualify for PSLF. Either they’re working at a for profit, institution, private practice, or if perhaps you’re intentionally not full time.

So if you think, Hey, I’m gonna go part time for these two years or work locums and do this, it may still make sense for you to have a gap in your qualifying payments.

And then you just pick it up and you’ll have maybe more than 10 years to have total payments. But you’re able to qualify for PSLF. So another thing with private loans is that there’s typically not discharge on of the loans on death, which is important to consider when you think about do I need potentially some additional short term life insurance until that

loan is discharged, because it’s all paid off.

So first, we had budgeting second student loans and the third big financial foundation for physicians, whether they’re in training or after is actually disability insurance.

So Health Insurance Association of America was cited in the New York Times back in February of 2000.

Noting that approximately 30% of all pupils 35 to 65. will suffer a disability for at least 90 Days and One in seven can expect to become disabled for five years or more. I just heard that stat

And I was like, Whoa, that is a lot. Which explains why disability insurance is so expensive.

We’ll get to more of the details in a moment. But one of the big reasons I think it’s important to talk about disability insurance is because coming on the heels of the discussion of student loans and public service, loan forgiveness, that’s all predicated on being employed. So if you’re disabled, you’re not having that qualifying employment. And while there is the

forgiveness at 20 or 25 years, depending on your plan, that forgiveness would be taxable, as opposed to public service loan forgiveness, which is not taxable.

So, if you are disabled policies typically pay out until about 65 or 67 years old. And there’s often a three month waiting period, which is part of why you need a good emergency fund.

And one of the reasons to get it sooner is because anytime you, we don’t know what the future holds, you could get a new medical condition or be in a car wreck post called driving home.

Another key thing to keep in mind is that it’s typically not for med students, because you don’t yet have an income to protect. And there may be a guaranteed standard issue policy, in residency. And even if some of those don’t have the true own occupation rider and that protection that some of the big six companies do, we’ll talk about that in a moment. It’s important to note that those guaranteed standard issue policies usually require that you have never been denied previously. So don’t want to apply before you have that as an option available to you. And

because of the lack of an income to protect

some of the disability insurance riders that you’re going to want to include the total disability kind of makes sense if you’re totally disabled, that it would pay out. But another one that’s important is extended partial disability. So if you are coming back to work, say after a car accident or a prolonged illness, if you can only work 20 hours a week, then you would still get part of your payout, as opposed to saying you’re not totally disabled, we aren’t going to pay. And so maybe that’s a temporary thing, or maybe that’s a permanent thing.

It’s also important to get the true own occupation benefit, which includes your duties at time of disability. So if you normally do procedures, but you are disabled, such that you can’t do your procedures, but you could teach in a med school, then you will still want to get paid, because you’re not doing the same thing that you were, if you’re transitioning to administration, it might be a little bit different. But in being able to say, are you able to do the same clinical work that you currently are, you want the

true own occupation protection. There’s six big, big companies that offer this right now.

Other insurance writers that you want would be cost of living, inflation, anybody.

And also, especially for residents, you want this future insurability options, where you get a certain amount now to cover your residency salary, because that’s all that they will typically

offer to you the initial purchase time, and it fits better with the budget. But then, after residency, when you have a higher income, you can increase that amount. And without further medical underwriting, even if your

insurance, even if your salary that is even if your salary doesn’t increase sufficiently to cover it at say 60%

You can still

get a little bit of increase upon graduation. So it’s important to talk to your agent about what you may qualify for as far as increasing your coverage, even though it may not be quite as much.

So I mentioned earlier, the guaranteed standard issue policy. It’s often if your institution for residents and fellows does have one. There’s often no medical underwriting, but you can’t be denied previously. So some of them will be offering that true or not.

occupations for the guaranteed standard issue and some are not. So it’s just important to know what you might need. So you have a pre existing condition, then maybe you go with one of the guaranteed standard issue,

companies to provide you some coverage, even though it might not be the same as having that true own occupation. But again, it’s looking at your situation. Sometimes through an institution or as a resident, you might qualify for an institutional discount. Or sometimes you’re able to get unisex rates the same for males and females, the latter of whom often have higher rates.

So some people might say, Why do I even need to use

my own money to buy a personal policy when my employer provides long term disability.

So employer provided policies, typically, some of them might be have the premiums paid by the employer, but then those benefits would be taxable. The Disability definition is typically not as strong, it’s not true own occupation, and then might subtract other things out. As far as benefits and taxes and so forth.

It’s also important to know that you can’t take it with you, you separate from that employer, you’re no longer employed there, it’s not coming with you. The personal policy would be portable, you’d have no future underwriting if you had that future insurability option. And because you’re paying the premium, there is no tax on the benefits. That often costs about one to 4% of your current income, and pays out somewhere in the two to 6% of the monthly disability benefit. That’s how much the premium would be. So if you had a certain amount than 2%, two to 6%, is probably about how much you’re going to be paying

on a monthly basis. That obviously depends on your age, any prior conditions, and the risk category of your specialty.

So those six big companies right now, as of the time of this recording, would be mass mutual guardian, Emeritus, the standard, Ohio National and principal. So it’s also important to know that there are independent agents out there that can price compare possibilities across these, one of them is pattern, and they have

an affiliate link at no additional cost to you where you can get a quote. And they’ll compare across all these six, and that’ll be in the show notes. But I just want you to know that there’s more out there than just someone comes from one of these big six or somewhere else and says, Hey, we’re coming to talk to your physician group or your residency class about disability insurance, and we’d love to chat with you. And then they offer to do your financial plan, maybe even sell your whole life insurance. That was essentially what happened to me. And when I realized,

thank you for doing my disability insurance. I do not want your whole life insurance. Thank you.

So we had by financial foundations, budgeting, student loans, disability insurance, and the next we have basic retirement and investing things. So this could be a whole talk or a series of talks on its own. But I wanted to share a few things that would be helpful, especially for those starting out early in their career.

Many of us as physicians get a later start to saving and investing than our our colleagues who graduated college and went right into the workforce, because of all our training. So we’re going to need a higher savings rate than they might to reach our financial goals, especially in retirement,

it’s often going to be at least 20% of your gross income, then it allows that compounding of gains over time with reinvested dividends or whatever asset classes you’re investing in, so that you can move forward towards your goals without those additional 10 years you missed out on.

This will hopefully help you keep from having to work into your late 60s Or have or beyond because you don’t want to.

There are certainly others who are really involved in the financial independence, movement, financial independence, retire early. Well, I want people to be able to make their intentional choices based on what they need and what their family needs. By increasing the sustainability and encouraging people with margin and some of these habits

I’m hopeful that people will be able to find

a way to practice medicine that works for them, so that they can stay serving their patients and their communities.

One of the first things I encourage people to get a handle on is knowing the difference between a Roth and a traditional IRA. So these retirement accounts allow you to either

invest in a variety of things, but the essentially the

account is the vehicle. And you either pay taxes now with a Roth, or later with a traditional, we’ll get to backdoor Ross in a minute. But for the main part of getting started, is just saying what do I need to know, first,

money in training are going to be in a lower tax bracket now, they will be later say in retirement. So paying taxes now or in some other year, when you’re not making as much either through furlough in the pandemic or during a sabbatical or some sort of transition between jobs, this can be an opportunity to make Roth contributions. And having tax free growth after that is great. So when you withdraw later, those gains aren’t taxed.

So it’s important to note that there are income limits, so that if you make over a certain amount it changes on depending on the year, you can’t make a direct Roth IRA contribution in 2022, the amount is 6000. And so you can do that, by the end of the year, and actually up until you

file your taxes, you can elect to have it applied.

So there is a non deductible, traditional IRA contribution that you can make and then convert it to a Roth before you invest it. That’s the easiest way for taxes. But for those who

otherwise don’t make as much their adjusted gross income can be decreased by making a traditional IRA contribution.

Also, for those who have a spouse, who may not be working

at the time, if there’s enough earned income, you can make a separate contribution to your spouse’s Roth IRA. And, again, you’ll just have to look at your own situation.

Additionally, 401k and 403 B contributions can be elected as traditional or Roth. Again, maybe consider doing Roth contributions in lower income years, such as residency, I personally did traditional contributions because it decreased my adjusted gross income, and then subsequently lowered my income based loan payments. And so on the Pay As You Earn plan, this amounted to an additional 10% savings by decreasing my adjusted gross income. So again, it’s going to be a matter of running your own numbers. And I’d have to do that in retrospect to figure out that I make the right decision. But

it’s just more of a

an interesting exercise at this point. And I just need to say, All right, that’s the decision I made and something to think about, but I’m going to move forward.

So related to retirement and investing, thinking about financial advice and what you need, it’s really helpful to figure out is this something that I can learn about and do myself say, with resources like the white coat investor? Or is this something that I really would benefit from having some sort of advisor,

there are various ways that advisors get paid. Some of it is called the Aum model or assets under management. And this is a way that based on what you currently have in your account, they’ll take a certain percentage, often somewhere between one and 2%. And so even if you have similar things that you need help with, when you’re starting out, and maybe have only

10s of 1000s or a few 100,000. In your accounts, it might be similar help, but a very different fee on an annual basis

is when you have multiple hundreds of 1000s or

the seven figures.

It’s key to note too, that many times it’s easy to not realize that it’s coming out because they’ll often take it directly from the accounts

themselves and sell some of that in order to pay the commission.

Other things you want to think about as far as ways to save in a tax advantaged way would include a health savings account. If you haven’t a qualifying health insurance plan 529 plans, they’re saving for educational expenses. Some states have additional tax credits. Otherwise, there are some that have better investment options and fees.

Again, we talked briefly about backdoor Roth. Again, you can look it up in multiple places online, including white coat investor. But a taxable brokerage account for any additional amount that you want to save above those other retirement accounts is super helpful. Because someone’s gonna try and sell you whole life insurance at some point, at least more than half of you are, and you probably don’t need it. If you do need advice, there are fiduciary fee only advisors that can help you figure out what you need for a fraction of the cost of doing the assets under management.

So first, we had budgeting, then student loans, disability insurance, retirement and investing. And then finally, we’re gonna talk briefly about life insurance and estate planning. So we talked about why whole life insurance is often something that’s made to be sold, because they the agents get a large commission, especially of the first first years worth of premium. And it’s not something that breaks even for quite a while, and would need to be held for a long time.

However, term life insurance, on the other hand, basically says you pay monthly or annually, and it pays out if you die in that window. And you set up that timeframe in advance, you try to get a level premium, and whether that’s 20 or 30 year term. And you might ladder it so that you have say a certain amount for 20 years and a certain amount for 30 years because you’re doing additional savings. But the key is that it’s a lot cheaper than doing whole life insurance. You can have it and it will allow you more flexibility and how you direct that additional cash flow for your investing.

Term Life insurance is especially important if you have someone depending on your income, say a partner, kids family, we talked about doing maybe a short term, five or 10 year plan if you have private student loans, since they aren’t discharged on death.

It’s often cheaper if you are younger and have fewer conditions, or dangerous hobbies. That keeps the cost down.

It’s important to comparison shop this as well. I used one,

one website called turn for I don’t have an affiliation with them. But I had a good experience. I put in my information and applied for a quote. And then they said a few agents will reach out to you. And so one didn’t. Even though he was across the country, he walked me through the whole application process and helped me know what was beneficial to apply for and how to how to answer some of these questions so that I was being truthful while still holding some of the uncertainties of life in my hands.

So again, you’re going to have to look at your own situation to figure out how much you feel most comfortable with. But having some sort of Term Life insurance is really important for those who have someone else depending on their income.

And finally, the estate planning part having a will or a trust, though having a revocable trust can allow you to avoid probate. And it’s important to have something set up especially if you have dependents. Being a parent, initially, I didn’t have some of the setup. And after talking to those who are important in my life, I realized this is something I really needed to get together.

It’s often easiest if you have someone who knows your local area. So asking for recommendations of attorneys who specialize in this and are able to get you a quote in advance for how much will this cost to put together but it’s really important having the peace of mind to know that both in the areas of medical power of attorney financial power of attorney who will take care of my kids, if something were to happen to me. It’s something that in thinking forward into the new year thinking about what I’m thankful for my family. This is a way that I can can help them out if something were to happen to me.

And in addition to that, regardless of whether you have a trust or a will, it’s important to update your beneficiaries. Even if you don’t have any of those in place, figuring out who you want to leave whatever account, it may be to say it’s a life insurance or retirement account, those things are really important to have updated, because sometimes life changes. And that’s going to help you know that you are putting everything in order, in case something were to happen.

I’ve seen in my own life, that nothing’s guaranteed, and we need to take it one day at a time. And so having some of these things thought about in advance allows you to live more in the moment, knowing you’ve had some of those intentional discussions and decisions worked through.

So another thing to keep in mind when you’re looking at some of these beneficiaries, and asset protection things is for titling of property.

In some states, they may have matrimonial trust language, some may allow for titling things as tenancy by the entirety, so that if there were some sort of lawsuit against one, it would have to be a suit against both individuals on that deed in in order to have the house subject to seizure, if there was if there was a judgment in excess of whatever insurance you had, which reminds me that another important insurance to consider is having umbrella insurance to say if your homeowner’s or your car insurance doesn’t cover more than, say, a couple $100,000, then up to perhaps a couple of million, it’s worth having it’s relatively cheap insurance, to say if there’s something above that you’re in a bad car wreck or something else happens, that you have that coverage, so that it doesn’t come out of your other savings.

So, I know I went through a lot today. But I want you to take a moment and sit down and really reflect first on what you’re thankful for this week.

Whether this is the week of Thanksgiving, when you’re listening to this or sometime else throughout the year. Know that no matter where you are, there’s always something that you living and breathing today can be thankful for.

And now, as you hold that in your mind what you’re thankful for, I want you to take one of these five financial foundations. And think about how taking your next step, how taking your next step could really help you move forward in supporting that priority of yours.

It can seem overwhelming and easy to just push these off, because they’re important but not urgent.

But really saying that these are priorities for you, in the long run, requires that you take that next step.

These things are not just academic, for me, it’s important for me to think about how did in the last year that I got things set up with my estate planning that I want to have more financial conversations, regular date night with my wife,not solely about finances, but having a financial meeting as a couple.

What are you going to do?

I want you to think about it. And then write something down and share it with someone that’s important to you and saying I want you to check in and see how I’m doing on this in three months and six months.

Thanks so much for joining me here on the MedEdWell Podcast.

I’m so excited to see how this is really affecting the lives of other physicians and others who really resonate with this message.

If you haven’t, I would encourage you to go and share this episode with someone else.

And then leave a review if you haven’t already. It just helps get the word out

I really want to help physicians take their next step.

And so with this in the finances, or if it’s something about mindset and coaching, about intentionality, about charting, these are all areas that we can change our experience in medicine.

Thanks so much for all that you do.

Have a great day.

And now for our important disclaimer.

Dr. Ryan Stegink is a practicing general pediatrician. But the MedEdWell podcast does not reflect the views, opinions or beliefs of his employer, nor is affiliated University.

Additionally, the MedEdWell podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only, and should not be considered advice regarding financial, legal student loan, medical or any other specific topic.

In such a case, you should seek consultation with a certified professional in that particular area.
Again, thanks for joining us on the MedEdWell podcast and have a great day